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Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on HIV in Emergencies (HIV-E)

Venezuelan refugee with HIV receives treatment in Ecuador

José * arrived from Venezuela in December 2018, during the Christmas holidays. Leaving his country was his only option.

The El Nino case study - Out of drought, hope for people living with HIV in Southern Africa

In 2016, Southern Africa experienced its worst drought in 35 years, pushing millions to the brink of hunger. The effects of drought are particularly harsh for people living with HIV who need nutritious food to be able to tolerate antiretroviral drugs.

The Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on HIV in Emergencies (HIV-E) is a group of international and regional level agencies that seek to accelerate the global response to address HIV in the context of humanitarian emergencies. This interagency body is comprised of representatives of UN agencies, donors, non-governmental and civil society organizations. WFP and UNHCR are the co-conveners of the IATT on HIV in Emergencies with the support of the UNAIDS Secretariat.

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