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This website is intended to serve as a repository of relevant resources on HIV in humanitarian settings for actors working at country, regional and global levels. While we will try to make as many tools, guidance, advocacy materials and other resources available, it should be noted that the website does not aim to provide an exhaustive list of all existing resources.

Quality of Care Toolkit Cover
01 January 2023  |  Source: Health Cluster, FHI360 and USAID
Humanitarian Health Quality of Care Toolkit

This toolkit aims to assist humanitarian health field staff in measuring quality of care in humanitarian health programs to inform quality improvement activities and includes operational guidance for each tool. In line with the GHC Position Paper on Quality of Care in Humanitarian settings, it can be used in all areas of essential health care as defined by the SPHERE guidelines, including communicable diseases, child health, sexual and reproductive health, injury and trauma care, mental health, non- communicable diseases, and palliative care.

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cover directives fonds urgence
12 September 2022  |  Source: Fonds Mondial
Directives sur l’initiative stratégique du Fonds d’urgence

Ces directives expliquent les objectifs et le fonctionnement du fonds d'urgence du Fonds mondial qui vise à aider les candidats éligibles à maintenir la fourniture et la continuité des services essentiels de prévention, de dépistage et de traitement du VIH, de la tuberculose et du paludisme dans les situations d'urgence. Les lignes directrices visent à soutenir les pays lorsque le réinvestissement des fonds de subvention existants n'est pas possible ou nécessite un délai de traitement prolongé.

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12 September 2022  |  Source: Global Fund
Updated Emergency Funds Guidelines

The Global Fund continues supporting eligible applicants sustain the provision and continuity of essential prevention, testing and treatment services for HIV, tuberculosis and malaria during emergency situations. The guidelines aim to support countries when reinvestment of existing Grant Funds is not possible or requires extended processing time

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MSF Bridging the gaps
01 September 2022  |  Source: MSF
Bridging the gaps - The neglected pandemics: HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria

Teams from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) around the world have seen worrying signs of a reversal in progress against all three diseases, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic and economic difficulties.This briefing paper presents examples from seven countries: Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Mozambique, Myanmar, South Sudan and Uganda illustrating the consequences of the funding shortfall for MSF's patients. The briefing paper aims at encouraging donor countries to demonstrate their commitment with increased pledges at the upcoming Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) replenishment round.

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Global Health sector strategies HIV HEP STI
18 July 2022  |  Source: WHO
Global Health Sector Strategies on JHIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections 2022-2030

Global health sector strategies on, respectively, HIV, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections for the period 2022-2030 guide the health sector in implementing strategically focused responses to achieve the goals of ending AIDS, viral hepatitis B and C and sexually transmitted infections by 2030.

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